Monday, June 19, 2006

A note from The Rev. "The Bob" Hughes concerning our new P.B.

forwarded to me from tstudent

Dear all, please forgive me for cluttering up your mailbox with a duplicate, if I have. While I could have been happy with any of the candidates, especially those with a "Sewanee Connection," it has been my privilege to get to know our new PB as we have served together on the General Board of Examining Chaplains. She is a strong, independent woman, flies her own plane. But she is also deeply prayerful and thoughtful, and I expect she will bring a firm but pastorally reconciling touch to the office. She will be theologically astute, for sure! It will be interesting to reflect in years to come how much of a sea change this has been for the church, and of what kind, but I believe God is with us and we are in good hands. Bob

Editor's note: I'm wondering how that reconciling will go with those with whom she is theologically incompatable. I'm wondering if she will be accepted as a member of the Communion Primates. I'm wondering when I can get off of this bus.

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