Tuesday, April 04, 2006

There's no news..like no news.

Sewanee ENews
Special Edition, April 3, 2006

The Rev. Thomas E. Macfie, Jr., has been nominated by Vice Chancellor Joel Cunningham to become the next Chaplain of the University of the South subject to election by the Trustees when they meet at Sewanee on May 4. Father Macfie is a longtime member of the Sewanee community. He is a graduate of both the College (B.A. in History, C’ 80) and the School of Theology (M.Div., T’ 89), served as Assistant Director of Admissions from1984 to 1986, was a University Trustee from 1997 to 2002, and has been rector of Sewanee’s Otey Memorial Parish Church since 1997. His wife, Dr. Pamela Macfie, is Professor of English in the College, and their son Thomas is a junior at the St. Andrew’s-Sewanee School.

Since his ordination, Father Macfie has served as rector of two parishes, each with great success. In his years at Otey Parish the congregation has grown substantially and completed a successful fundraising campaign that made possible a major renewal of its facilities. At St. Barnabas Church in Tullahoma, he served as deacon, priest, and rector from 1989 to 1997. Before entering the priesthood, Father Macfie was assistant director of Pine Island Camp in Maine and a teacher and assistant headmaster at the Deck House School there. He is known for his insights about the connections between spirituality and effective parish service and has been recognized as a leader in helping parishes mesh these vital dimensions.

According to Vice Chancellor Cunningham, “Tom Macfie will be an excellent Chaplain, a wise and faithful priest, a strong spiritual mentor, and an able senior administrator in leading the University of the South. I look forward to working with him and very much hope that he will be elected to this critically important post.”

In making the nomination to the Board of Trustees, the Vice Chancellor also offered his thanks and praise for the work of the advisory search committee chaired by the University Provost, Dr. Linda Lankewicz, and the Dean of the School of Theology, the Very Reverend Dr. William Stafford, and also for the work of the Reverend Annwn Myers, who is serving as Acting University Chaplain. He noted that in that demanding assignment, “Chaplain Myers is an able colleague, a gifted leader and counselor, and an inspiration to students, faculty, and staff.”

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